3rd Grade » Class 3-307

Class 3-307

Each day students are expected to read for at least 20 minutes for homework! I also send home a math worksheet as well. This worksheet is directly related to the lesson taught in class that day!
-Breakfast is served each day beginning at 7:30 AM. 
-All HW and notices are sent home in each students HW folder. 
We are now into March and April which means we have begun our preparation for the NY State Math Test! The students have been equipped with the skills and strategies they need and going forward we will be reviewing each concept and strategy taught so far this year! 
The students also have been working on sharing their mathematical thinking throughout the year. Test Prep is a great opportunity for them to share their strategies to solve with the class! 
We are into our test sophistication unit! The NY STATE ELA Test is on April 11 and 12. We are working on close reading by reading and annotating the text to help us answer our Multiple choice and Short response questions. The students are using the A.D.D method to respond to questions in writing. (Answer, Detail 1, Detail 2). 
One thing to help at home would be to ask the students some questions after they do their independent reading. Questions like (how would you describe the main character? What was the problem? How did they solve it?) 
Attendance is always important! Thank you for all your efforts getting our students to class each day!
Reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on Friday March 29th and April 1st!!
Also there is NO SCHOOL on Wednesday April 10th!!
Spring Break Begins April 22nd-April 30th! 
We return to school on Wednesday, May 1st!